Laundry Airing, in Public

You thought I had some juicy gossip today, right? Well, sort of...Life on Nanchang Lu is featured in the November issue of Shanghai's best glossy monthly, Shanghai Talk Magazine (shorter online version here) in an article on Shanghai food blogs. Exciting stuff! They also featured two blogging friends who have great food blogs worth checking out: The Shanghai Foodist, and Wok With Me Baby, in which MaryAnne cooks familiar foods using only Chinese ingredients she can source locally.

Other than this news, today probably qualifies as the shortest post ever because tomorrow I have a Chinese test. I should be studying right this second but I loved these photos so much I had to post them. Many of my favourite images never make it into a post of their own - they're just things I've snapped on the street, often pictures without a story. 

So invent your own story for these frothy confections of wedding dresses. It was a lovely sunny day yesterday and they were being hung outside a store on Jiashan Lu to air....I think. I certainly can't explain the chef's whites hanging alongside, or the random bra and pair of red underpants.

Wish me luck for tomorrow!

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