Going to the Wild, Wild West - Travels in Xinjiang

I'm on an adventure. Again. This time to Xinjiang (the 'new frontier') in China's far northwest, taking in the Uighur heartland of Kashgar, Tashkurgan and Turpan on the way. I'm travelling as far west as it's possible to go in China without accidentally running into trouble in one of the 'stans' - Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan and Afghanistan - because they all meet closely and uncomfortably together in the corner of the world I'm off to. 

"What on earth would possess her to go that far-flung corner of China??" I hear you ask, "and drag her whole family and guile-less parents-in-law along too?" Well, it's the October National Holiday, a whole three days of public holidays which I have creatively extended to eleven or twelve, and I think it's time we all visited China's western frontier. This photograph is probably proof enough of the incredible landscape that awaits us, and having arrived yesterday I can tell you it's even more amazing and beautiful than I had imagined. 

Prepare to be enchanted by Xinjiang.

Travels on the Silk Road

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